1. You must only use the secure dog field during your allocated time slot.
2. Drive slowly and carefully up the drive to the Dog Park.
3. If you arrive early, please wait in the lay-by on the road until the booking before you has exited the drive. If you are on foot, please wait on the drive at a reasonable distance. If you arrive late, the booking time cannot be extended. Please only use the park for the time of your booking. At the end of your session, please leave promptly so the next member can access the park.
4. If you need to change a booking, we require 2 hours notice. Please contact us on 07854140305 and we will do our best to accommodate you. Refunds will not be given for no shows.
5. Do not exercise your dog outside of the secure Dog Park and keep your dog on a lead until you are within the boundary fence with the gate closed.
6. Never leave your dog unattended during your session.
7. Friends and family may join you but please ensure you have booked for the correct number of dogs. Children are welcome to accompany you under strict adult supervision, but please do not let them play on the dogs equipment or climb the trees or fences.
8. Please pick up after your dogs and dispose of safely in the bin provided in the car park area. Biodegradable waste bags are provided within the park.
9. There are no toilets or mains water on site. However, we do provide drinking water for your dogs in the woodland area of the secure dog park.
10. Please take your litter home with you. Cigarettes must be disposed of safely in the sand bucket.
11. We kindly ask that you use your last 5 minutes to check for any dog waste or litter and load your dog back into your vehicle.
12. Prong collars, shock collars, spray collars and choke chains are not permitted. We will not tolerate any mistreatment of dogs, including using physical force against them and anyone using such methods will be banned.
13. Before using the dog agility equipment in the park, it is your responsibility to ensure that your dog is physically fit and able to perform the activities. Please do not use the equipment in icy conditions.
14. Please note that the Dog Park is a natural landscape and therefore you may encounter parts of the field that are not level, plants, trees, stony soil type, shrubs and branches. We have taken every precaution to keep the Dog Park safe, and we perform regular checks. During Winter the park may be muddy, therefore waterproof boots are advised.
The management does not accept any liability for any accident, injury, loss or damage to you or your dog and no responsibility can be taken for any incidents within the park. The owner/dog walker uses this park at their own risk. Vehicles and contents are also left at their owners risk.